Member-only story
A Pleb’s guide to Curvenote and Curvenote CLI
… part I of a three-part series of writing data science and reproducible notebooks with curvenote and jupyter notebook
This is part I
Go to Part 2 (TK)
Go to Part 3 (TK)
First things first:
- Get an account on Curvenote, it’s free and easy to get
- Start a project in Curvenote, then start a blank document on it, like this:
- Make the project public
Click on Create Project, then “Go to Project” like this
In the Project start a new document. You will see that they already have an “Untitled Document”. You provide your own title, and edit the name, etc. You will later see why this is a good idea to do this on Curvenote. So go to Article Settings and project settings and write what you want to write. Here are my screenshots:
Now go and change the Project settings. You will need a few other things for the next steps…