My Forgettable 2023

Arindam Basu
1 min readDec 17, 2023


Practically nothing I did worked this year

(watch this space, this piece will be edited …)

Things that worked

  • Got into the Julia ecosystem and got to visit the wonderful MIT campus
  • Wrote my first real world app (still to work on that)
  • Won the best group award at an international conference for a group on telehealth I steer
  • Best ever student evaluation from undergraduate students in 16 years
  • An app and a startup at least
  • Got accepted into a startup training programme
  • Started my startup (still work to do)
  • Got a recognition of a programme that I run at the University of Canterbury to train health officers in New Zealand, tremendous thing
  • Visited Fiji to work on the POCCA
  • New Zealand’s wonderful Catalyst Cloud Company decided to provide material grant for my startup
  • Came to know and grew friendship with wonderful friends
  • Started a wonderful personal fitness training programme in years, so looking forward to run my first half marathon sometime in 2024

Up against a broken startup ecosystem in New Zealand (absolutely hated the experience!)

Going forward the next steps to do in 2024

Lots of work to do

Things that I will definitely do:

See you in another year



Arindam Basu

Medical Doctor and an Associate Professor of Epidemiology and Environmental Health at the University of Canterbury. Founder of TwinMe,