Unfortunately, there is a whiff of dogma, arrogance, and sexism in this statement that could have been avoided. All who run in the treadmill in a gym are not males, nor is it necessarily true that "running for them is part of a cardio workout" (for some it may be true, but this is not universal). People who run in the gym do that for many reasons, not all because their run is part of something else. People run in the gym because they cannot run outside because it may not be safe or comfortable for them to do so outside, so they do run indoors. Running, to many people, is a way to connect with their inner selves, and I think in the essay too, you mention that, running is a lifelong practice, be that as it may, where exactly they run, and what surface they choose to put their feet on, need not necessarily matter in that pursuit. Sad to read this statement.